Dragon ball z raging blast 2 ultimate gohan android#
In the History of Trunks, Gohan seemed to have gotten stronger via Zenkai as he was able to hold his own against both androids for some time despite having one arm, unlike their last encounter in which he could not hold his own at all with both his arms, even though android 17 was suppressed, but once the Androids team up and use their Accel Dance, he was soundly overwhelmed, while in the present timeline, Super Saiyan 2 Present Gohan easily overpowered and slaughtered every last one of the seven Cell Juniors singlehandedly, each in one blow (as they have nearly the strength of Cell himself), despite using their most powerful attacks and teaming up on him, Gohan just shrugged it off as if nothing happened, unlike Future Gohan, who suffered grievous injuries and pain when being hit by the future Androids' kiattacks, Gohan even managed to defeat Cell with only a right arm-powered Kamehameha, after a long and painstaking Beam Struggle (because he lost the use of his left arm at the time), something a one-armed Future Gohan cannot do against the weaker Androids, although he managed to overpower them with his own right arm-powered Kamehameha in a Beam Struggle against their Non-Stop Violence. Future Android 17 claims to Future Gohan that when he had previously defeated him he had not even used half of his power. Future Gohan states that he wished he was as strong as his father, like his present counterpart was, but later surpassed his father during and after the Cell Games, but it was not an easy task (Future Gohan never surpassed his father in power, due to his inexperience, and not training with him in the Time Chamber to master the Super Saiyan form, due to his death), and also that Future Trunks would surpass him in a few months. In the manga when Future Trunks attained his Super Saiyan form, he struggled against Future Gohan's base form.
Before his eventual death, Future Gohan is arguably the most powerful warrior left on Earth, but is weaker compared to his present timeline counterpart (who was more younger yet more powerful than him, due to his training in the Time Chamber with his father, thus giving him more access to his latent power) when he fought the immensely powerful android Cell (who absorbed the present timeline incarnations of Future Gohan's killers of his future timeline).